Calculating Keyword Density in Excel

As part of an SEO project, I wanted to use Excel to evaluate keyword densities of various text. Excel doens’t offer a built-in function for counting words in a string, but I found this one online:


A1 contains the text in question.

This works by comparing the length text before and after removing the spaces between words. This will treat hyphenated words as single words. A similar replacement comparison technique can be used to count the number of times a keyword appears in text. Dividing the number of keywords by the number of words in the text provides the keyword density. In Excel:

Cell Description Formula
A1 Keyword (the keyword)
B1 Text (the text to evaluate)
C1 Total Word Count =LEN(TRIM(B1))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B1,” “,””)) + 1
D1 # of Non-Keywords =LEN(TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(B1,A1,””))) – LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(B1,A1,””),” “,””)) + 1
E1 Keyword Density =1-D1/C1
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