Archive for the 'Miscellaneous' Category

Ghost blogging

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

Sometimes you want a blog but don’t have the time or expertise to write customer- and search-engine-friendly content. You know that all that up-to-date content improves your image and helps your search engine rankings. But who has time to come up with good, on-topic content several times a week? We frequently are asked by prospective [...]

Measure your failures

Monday, November 17th, 2008

“We know we’re doing well because our web statistics tell us that we’re getting a lot of traffic from searches on beige widgets.” What’s wrong with this statement? The speaker is focusing on their successes. This is a good strategy for ego reinforcement, but it’s a terrible way to find business opportunities. The biggest potential [...]

On-Demand Indexing for Google Site Search

Friday, November 14th, 2008

If you’re using Google Site Search to provide search functionality on your site, there’s some good news. They have just rolled out On-Demand Indexing: you can tell them that your content should be re-indexed whenever you want, such as after content additions or changes. NOTE: This indexing does not affect the main search engine index, [...]

Twitter our blog

Friday, November 14th, 2008

Learn about new posts via Twitter at

How to lose friends and influence people

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Bad behavior sometimes gets caught, and sometimes it sends messages, mixed ones. SEOmoz recently wrote about a court case in which NetQuote successfully sued MostChoice for submitting false insurance quote requests. Their behavior was so blatant (hiring someone to submit requests for 20-25 hours each week) that the jury doubled the punitive damages requested by [...]


Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

Have you made your plans to vote? If you received a mail-in ballot, have you sent it in or set aside some time for it? It’s your vote, your chance to have a say in the chief influencers and issues that affect us all. Web 1 Marketing encourages you to do your research, know the [...]

What to do with form spam

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

If you have a form on your website, you’ve almost certainly received meaningless form submissions that contain links to site that sell medication, cheap stocks, pyramid schemes, and other unwanted material. This “form spam” is often automatically generated by software that can quickly fill out thousands of forms. Sometimes real people fill them out quickly [...]

Beware AdWords phishing scams

Friday, August 8th, 2008

Recently we blogged about AdWords account hijacking, and one of our clients forwarded us an email message that shows the phishing scam that is most likely the cause. The email looks like official communications from AdWords that is notifying the user that their most recent payment did not go through properly. The email contains a [...]

Analyzing landing pages and e-commerce transactions in Google Analytics

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

Suppose you have several landing pages for your AdWords campaign or other advertising program, and you want to know which such page is most effective at generating e-commerce transactions. You have Google Analytics reliably tracking e-commerce transactions. You won’t find this information in the e-commerce section, but there are several ways for Google Analytics to [...]

Redirecting domains with mod_rewrite

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

Sometimes you need to move a site from one domain to another, or you might have one or more domains that you want to all forward to another, such as variations on your primary domain. For example, your main site might be “” and you want anyone who types in or follows a link to [...]