Search engine share and advertising network statistics

The comScore Data Center offers useful information about search engine market share and top advertising networks and sites. The statistics are published/updated periodically. Search engine share compares month to previous month and the same month from the year before. The statistics are quite broad and likely aren’t particularly useful for making detailed decisions other than pointing out things like “Google is the biggest search engine” and “ handles a lot of traffic.” These in themselves are useful for gross prioritization, but little more.

Nielsen NetRatings provides free data as well, although it is more focused on how the average person uses the web and characterizing ad spending per industry segment. The data about individual advertising can be quite interesting. For instance, a September 10 press release indicates that some of the top online advertising spending comes from companies that are related to credit and mortgages: Low Rate Source, Experian, and Countrywide Financial Corporation.

The Hitwise Data Center provides statistics that include search market share, top 20 websites, top search keywords, and assorted industry statistics.

Note that it is very important to consider the methodology employed by each source as this can significantly impact the accuracy of the data and pertinence to the specific use you intend.

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